How 60 Years Old Lady Got Her Marital Breakthrough

Divine Revelations
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How 60 Years Old Lady Got Her Marital Breakthrough

sister Maribel

The God that answer prayers is indeed a great, mighty,
terrible and fearful God in power. Though every hope were lost and faith dash
to pieces for sister Maribel but yet God's time is always the best because he is never too late.

The Lord timely is the best deal you can ever get in life
because he is a master planner and it doesn't matter the years the
enemies has
cage and ridicule your hope and expectations in marital breakthrough,
whenever he step into your case surely the devil and his demonic human
agents, powers and diabolic entices must
surely submit.

  • The Testimony Of Sister Maribel:

It's was a gracious moment for sister Maribel whom the Lord broke the
yoke of 60 years of marital stagnant in her life few months ago. It was a
day of ecstasy because i was a witness unto this  striking testimony.

On June  3rd 2017 i was opportune to honored "The
Mountain Of Fire And Miracle Ministry (M.F.M
); Monthly Holy Ghost Power
Pack programme, titled "POWER MUST CHANGE HANDS"
However in the course of the testimonial session, precisely
the last testifier was a beauty lady whose testimony shock the brick pillar of
the church.

"My name is sister Maribel and am here to give God all
the glory for all his benefits and mercy upon my life. I have been praying and waiting upon the Lord for a marital
breakthrough for decades of years. I have undergone marathon deliverance
praying and fasting, and marriage seminars and various interceding prayers but yet all to no

I felt discouraged, disappointed, frustrated and eventually
give-up in praying about it. I resorted to give-up in prayers about marital breakthrough
and decided to served my God intimately and make Heaven. But my brethren encourages me to continue praying, even my
pastors and other friends also encourage me never to give-up in God because he
is never too late.

Personally i was emotionally and spiritually battered and i decided to
search through the scriptures to find-out if i could find any scriptural
verse that will support my claims of stop praying. But discovered that
the scripture recommended i
should continue praying ceaselessly because God is merciful and always

However later this year 2017 in April the Lord God, the
merciful Jehovah broke the yoke of 60 years of marital stagnancy in my
life. Today i am 60 years old and am happily married all to God's
glory. Praise The Lord! "

  • Don't Give Up In Praying For Marriage Breakthrough:

At this moment, the perfect place you could behold great
potential and unfulfilled dreams and visions is in the silent grave yard. The grave yard had swallowed many unfulfilled goals,
intellectual and dreams of great men of caliber whom the Lord has raised to be
a shadow unto majority.

Some days ago, i meant a deliverance minister of God and while
discussing he said, "The Lord has blessed and bestows great potential,
talent, riches and glories upon many people but unfortunately most of them halt
been hindered and their dream terminated by household witchcraft and evil
There are many waiting for them to rise into stardom in
order to aid them financially, spiritually and emotionally, but unfortunately
they have been subdue by principalities and powers of darkness"

The degree of your spiritual life shall determine the strength of your
physical achievement or exploits. Hence you must never give up in
prayers if you sincerely want to rise and fulfilled your earthly destiny
because a close mouth is a closed destiny.

However, it might seem surprised to behold some nuggets who
find it hard to believe about the existence or manipulations of powers
witchcraft due to spiritual ignorant. Nevertheless, irrespective of your
spiritual ignorance i want you to understand that the spiritual realm
control all physical activities and this reason why you must never
ceased praying for your marital breakthrough —  there is always hope for
everyone in marriage.

  • Personal Prayer Points For Spiritual Breakthrough:

  1. I use the blood of Jesus to fight and defeat every spirit
    of impossibility in my life, in the name of Jesus.

  2. I release myself from the collective captivity of
    impossibility, in the name of Jesus.

  3. Every seed, root and tentacles of impossibility, in my
    life, die in the name of Jesus.

  4. I withdraw my name and all about my life from the altar
    of impossibility in the name of Jesus.

  5. I refuse to swim in the oceans of impossibility, in the
    name of Jesus.

  6. The wind of impossibility shall not blow in my direction,
    in the name of Jesus.

  7. You river of impossibility, flowing near and around me,
    dry up now, in Jesus name.

  8. I receive the strength of the Lord to leap over the wall
    of impossibility, in Jesus name.

  9. Every Red Sea of impossibility, part, in the name of

  10. You angels of possibility and success, begin to minister
    unto me, in the name of Jesus.

  11. With God on my side, no good shall be impossible for me,
    in the name of Jesus.

  12. I will reach my goals before my enemies will know what
    is happening, in Jesus name.

  13. I shall fulfill my destiny, whether the enemy likes it
    or not, in the name of Jesus.

  14. Every disgrace in my life, turn to grace, in the name of

  15. Dry bones of my destiny; come alive, in the name of

  16. Henceforth, i embark on a journey into destiny
    accomplishment in all ramifications in the name of Jesus. — Don't Give-Up; God Always Answers Prayers

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